Languages Lanean: The starting point for many tasks in the labour market

Languages Lanean: The starting point for many tasks in the labour market
We have concluded the two-day Congress, which proved to be very inspiring. Over 500 people gathered, with the participation of more than 50 speakers who shared their ideas, providing time for reflection.
By applying criteria of business and institutional management, we had the opportunity to reflect on the role of Euskera and linguistic management in the socio-economic sphere in general.
From this moment on, it is up to us to continue with what we have heard. As Josune Zabala, Director of Research and Linguistic Coordination at the Basque Government, pointed out in the closing of the congress, "if we were to compare ourselves to a year, the moment we are living would be the beginning of the year, and if it were a day, it would be the sunrise."
In the coming days, we will publish on the website all the material from the congress: presentations, videos, and pictures.
Thank you for participating in the congress or simply for your interest in the topic.